David Petraeus is a traitor and while hanging may be too severe he should have been jailed and certainly NOT EVER given a position in an Ivy League University, teaching even remedial Algebra...He should be stripped of all access to any personnel with ANY ACCESS TO DEFENSE DATA OF ANY SORT. His life should have been made a waste land and he should be relegated to cleaning parking lots at Ramada Inns along Midwest Interstates and living in an RV Village. He's one small reason in a very large swamp that kept this country in Afghanistan and wasted the lives of so many for absolutely no reason whatsoever...except to grant Trump the great thrill to test the MOAB, the largest untested conventional explosive device in our arsenal...on a mountainside in Afghanistan so it could be explored for minerals under the guise of warmaking...what a fox. Meanwhile , DOD gets to build another , upgraded one! YIPPEE WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE ANYWAY!!

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so David Betrayus as I've fondly thought of him since his pillow talk nights, now wants to bring

'gated' communities to Gaza. practice there, then bring it to wherever your here is.

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The man is nothing if not a gifted killeR ( OF OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN) and deceiver. He belongs in Leavenworth. But, what other General or JAG would indict, much less commit, knowing the crimes of their comrads as they themselves commit. I'm with you, I ,as well, started calling him Betrayus long ago. I can't believe he didn't take his own life and leave nothing behind but a full confession in the Washinton Post and Stars and Stripes. I'd put wax in my ears when he speaks if I worked in the White House.

Why does he think Netanyahu would take any advice from a fop like him. He doesn't even represent this gov't in any official capacity.

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It's amazing, the stupidity of these clowns. This will radicalize people who are not even living in the region.

There are many people who do not like modern day Nazis.

This kind of oppression will invite resistance from people all over the globe.

The only way to stop that resultant resistance is to become even more oppressive and that will lead to even more pushback.

For me, this is reminiscent of what Southern slave states did to try to prevent black people running away to Northern states to escape slavery.

Their radicalism created radical opposition to the spread of slavery (it ended the notion of a moderate voice on slavery) which led to the civil war and the end of slavery.

Perhaps these actions will radicalize opposition to Zionism? Ending the thought of having a moderate opposition to Zionism?

And may, perhaps, end up ending Zionism once and for all?

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