I believe there is a bigger plan afloat. The increasing links between Turkey, Iran and Russia could explain the collapse of the Syrian army. Many Kurdish groups are plugged in with mossad to undermine Iran. The Turks see the Kurds as a threat. Both may use this opportunity to neutralise the threat. It could also be Russia and Iran withdrawing to allow chaos to bloom on the Turkish and Israeli borders. The isis groups having completed one goal will have new goals.

People who worry about Hezbollah being denied resupply by Iran for weapons because of the salafist regime coming to power in Syria, forget that Al Tanf was very near the smuggling routes already. Smugglers love chaos and the Syrian border will be even more porus. The Mercenary groups can be easily bribed to allow shipments into and out of Syria.

I could be wrong about everything. I have questions. Are the Turks working with Russia and Iran. Or is Turkey sitting on the fence as usual. Will Turkey and US relations worsen with the coming attacks on the US proxies in the east of Syria. Time will tell.

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