Dan awesome work!! They openly, blatantly speak on getting rid of the Nordstream Pipeline!! Wow!! Just like the quasi, arrogant government that I’ve always known. This is huge, but I’m not too sure that Russia will respond in the way that most think. There are people on this continent who do not know the truth about their birthright and nationality and are being deliberately misnomered and that is an issue of international law. Not sure if that in itself would be a little too deep for your understanding, but you’re a smart guy; I’m sure you have somewhat of a clue. In time, it has to be known, whether I say it or not. Keep up the good work sir☺️

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Great work, Dan---to speak truth to power we need people doing the spade work of speaking truth about power--james hull, ipswich ma

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The internet im sure has been a real pain in the ass for these elite pricks. Specially when people have had enough and start making collabs, good work sir.

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Dear Mr. Cohen,

Would you be so kind to share your email in order to send you invitation for working cooperation.

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Of course. Reach me at dancohen3000@gmail.com

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Great compilation!

Do you happen to have a list of sources/dates/references? Esp. for the older ones from 2018

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Great compilation Dan! Is there a HD version of it available?

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