Thank you so much Dan for keeping us up-to-date with what is going on with Haiti as those with vested interests ramp-up their plans to further use and abuse the people for more cheap labour to add billions to their coffers. It's inhumane and absolutely criminal.

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It's been a long time since the UN (and the Western-led world) started to call Third World "developing", as if it were somewhat less insulting than "undeveloped". Bull shit.

Those so-called developing nations still remain as poor undeveloped countries. That's just because both the UN and the collective West want them to be poor forever, so that they can continue to exploit both human and natural resources there. They don't care about people or human rights whatsoever, do they?

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Niger would welcome Haiti's high pay. Victoria Nuland would love a job at the American Apparel and Footwear Association. Or does she already work for them?

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