Thank you very much for your in-depth and very detailed research Dan, with full sources and citations. You are doing God's work. Bless you.

The syria regime change operation by the NeoCon zionist billionaires in the Anglo-American global empire (with its center in Wall Street and "the city" in London) was very obviously supported by an incredibly intense PROPAGANDA BLITZ in all of the billionaires' disinformation media, by their deceptive narrative managers, numerous paid infliencers on social media and the vast number of zionist AI agents on twitter/X. Chief among the billionaires' propagandists is NeoCon barry weiss, a truly despicable DECEIVER, MANIPULATOR, LIAR, in service of her ethno-fascist cult of "god's chosen" religious-ethnic supremacists.

We are in the midst a full blown NeoConservative-Zionist attack on our psyche and culture from all possible directions, to incite as much sectarianism, tribalism, division and religious-ethnic FEAR & HATRED among the 99% as possible. This is the fertile ground of hate upon which the NeoCon zionist billionaires divide and rule us..

See exactly how they do it here https://johnspritzler.substack.com/p/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies

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