Thank you Dan for encapsulating it all so succinctly. Bless you.

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That was full of hate, lies, propaganda and anti-Semitism. Totally false comparison. So many misstatements of fact. Extremely disgusting.

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point out the lies...go ahead

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Brave and moving piece Dan. Respect.

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Brave? If he's so brave, let him go fight alongside his heroes, the rapists, kidnappers, torturers and murderers of the Hamas terrorists.

Moving? Yes it is moving. That would cause any decent person to retch, violently.

Respect? If you respect this person and what he stands for, you are no better than.the Nazis that slaughtered six million Jews. And five million other innocent human beings.

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Spoken like an SS officer at the camp

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Well said, these idiots are mentally ill. Completely deranged.

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Ohhh, that truth stings don't it?

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Your framing of the historical significance of the Palestinian revolution is the clearest I've seen anywhere. Thank you, Dan.

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There is no truth in what he said. Propaganda, lies, hatred and anti-Semitism.

If you think that's clarity then your mind was already clouded by hatred before you read it.

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You’re taking up valuable space with your stupid ignorant statements. You’re obviously in a very tiny minority of heartless Israel apologists in this comment thread

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Just because people like you are in the majority in this thread does not make you in the right. Nothing I said was stupid or ignorant. If you think so, use FACTS to prove me wrong, not your opinions.

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Heartless? You support Hamas terrorists that rape and murder innocent Jews and I'M heartless?

I think you are very confused.

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Oct 7
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Just because you repeat something does not make it untrue.

No attempt at intimidation or to shut you up. I know full well that you cannot intimidate anti-Semites, they are too crazed with hate. Thus, you cannot shut them up, either. So why would I attempt anything so futile?

I did reply with substance and intelligence. I called his statements propaganda, lies and hatred. You cannot get more substantive than that.

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“Israel, shocked by the Palestinians’ bold and well-planned assault….”

The Israeli public was shocked, but not the top political, military and intelligence leaders who knew about Hamas’ plans for an attack, but let it happen as a pretext to initiate the final solution to Israel’s Palestine problem

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Thanks so much for that interesting piece of history that I was not aware of, and for your analysis.

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Of course the Occupier manages to worm his way into spaces not meant for his vitriol.

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Intended for 'Mustang'

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great article but I don't think it would be right to say the revolt in Auschwitz "failed". In those conditions it was a great victory even to organize and attempt any violent resistance. they killed nazi officers and interrupted the murders which ultimately saved the lives of few people who survived the death camp.

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thank you

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Loved this.

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Fascinating history. I had no idea. Thank you for sharing Dan.

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