Ever since Haiti staged the world's first successful slave revolt, the colonial and neocolonial powers have given them unending shit for it. They can't even catch a break from the Earth: hurricanes and earthquakes have hit them whenever they start to recover. It's all too painful for me to watch.

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Taking unending shit from them, too, as the French have done, extorting billions from Haitians in "reparations" for their lost "property" that decided to live as people and not property, which has to be one of the maddest things I've ever heard of—a country of former slaves paying "reparations" to their former (and wannabe present) masters for their freedom.

At least with the French now having been humiliatingly expelled from most of the African countries they were occupying, controlling monetarily and otherwise, and plundering, maybe there is a chance for change on that front, too, although they might have a hard time repaying their reparations with what must be impending bankruptcy after the collapse of the colonial system present French society has built itself on, but then I'm sure Haitians would still appreciate resources or labour in place of worthless Francs. Liberté for me, but not for thee (if thy skin be dark).

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looks good - thanks very much - I had forgotten amidst all the other awful things going on - I hope Jimmy wins.

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Hey Dan,

Was just watching you on Redacted and noticed this!

Is Jimmy Chérizier a FREEMASON?


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Hey Dan have you ever talked to Danny Shaw about Haiti?

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