Some of the Israelis are waking up to the same style of psychological warfare directed at them, that their government has been instigating against the Palestinians for decades. The tactics of the Netanyahu regime should be very familiar to most people in Middle East and West by now. We see these types of lies all the time.

This will end badly for many people, but Netanyahu and his wife may get a Nicolai Ceaușescus style ending if they lose their propaganda campaigns.

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What can the civilised world do Dan? What do you suggest?

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We can make our voices heard. We can attempt to educate the ignorant supporters of Israel in our circle of friends and family. I’ve provided ample evidence to those under the Zionists’ sway and they seem immune to facts, reason, or morality. I had a contractor in my home giving a bid on some work, and he voiced his support for Israel and racism against “Arabs”. I will not be doing business with him. Look at the list of companies that do business with Israel and those based in Israel. Stop buying their goods, close accounts.

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Dan Cohen put a lot of effort into this story.

What all this tells me is that if you get captured by an enemy of Israel You can kiss your life goodbye because Israel will sacrifice you.

I served in the USMC late 60s and over the past 50 years almost all the US military veterans no longer wave the flag. They love America but they saw how the privileged in America didn't give a damn about their service.

They would much rather have their buds and families return safely than start talking about national pride and all that. They have seen how leaders in the USA will just blow you off. The lives of POWs meant little to most politicians, the mainstream media, and the leftists back home.

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Your narrative misses or ignores a point. Per yourself there is a divide between left and right Israelis. Per your own reporting the IDF (mostly right leaning) has no compunction about killing Israelis (especially if left leaning). Per other reporting (Greyzone?) the villages attacked were left leaning. Per any American with a sense for false flags, it is entirely reasonable to assume that Hamas was led by deep cover Israeli agents (right leaning) and that the highly organized initial attack was not only known in advance but led by Netanyahu himself. Evidence? No, none, high level Hamas organizers have been captured even the ones living in luxury (your reporting) overseas. Report this or be a Mosad agent.

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