They were living in stolen property with the victims locked behind razor wire just a few km away.

Let this be a lesson to all: thrive under a criminal, murderous regime; die by that same criminal, murderous regime.

It's just a matter of time...

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Should not surprise anyone, this death cult called the Jewish State of Jewish Occupied Palestine:

From “War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification,” by Jeff Halper (Pluto Press, 2015):

“The Israeli journalist Amira Hass described what happened when IDF troops occupied the Palestinian Ministry of Culture in the center of El Bireh during Operation Defensive Shield: On the evening of Wednesday, May 1 [2002], when the siege on Arafat’s headquarters was lifted and the armored vehicles and the tanks had rumbled out, the executives and officials of the ministry who had rushed to the site did not expect to find the building the way they had left it … But what awaited them was beyond all their fears … In the department for the encouragement of children’s art, the soldiers had dirtied all the walls with gouache paints they found there and destroyed the children’s paintings that hung there in every room of the various departments—literature, film, culture for children and youth books, discs, pamphlets and documents were piled up, soiled with urine and excrement. There are two toilets on every floor, but the soldiers urinated and defecated everywhere else in the building, in several rooms of which they had lived for about a month. They did their business on the floors, in emptied flowerpots, even in drawers they had pulled out of desks. They defecated into plastic bags, and these were scattered in several places. Some of them had burst. Someone even managed to defecate into a photocopier.” So much for the supposed cultural superiority of Israeli society.


There are tens of thousands of examples of these people's sicario-like moves around the world and their thugs within their stolen Palestine.



Thanks for the work, Dan!

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We need to boycott Israeli controlled media and its sponsors.

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Somewhere there is a list of primary BDS targets; companies that actively aide & abet Israel's crimes.

Eg, I recently learned on a substack that Remax sells stolen Palestinian property.

Same thugs that violated fiduciary responsibility by refusing to show my house to a desperate cash buyer. A week later tried to shove a shit deal down my throat (presumably to a connected friend).

I'll never go near Remax again, or let their agents on my property.

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thank you

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thank you

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