General Brik's advice doesn't seem any different from the policy Israel has had from the start: marginalize Palestine and Palestinians, semi-starve them, control; their water and energy supply, humiliate them at checkpoints and periodically kill them in "grass- mowing operations". Maybe he's repeating the same old line because Israelis have proven themselves brave warriors only at a distance, armed to the teeth against the unarmed and very young or old.

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Great article

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Great work.

It begs the question, though, this Jewish State, supported by Jews worldwide, and Israel is a Zionist project, which calls itself Jewish, and thusly, the borders were drawn and keep being redrawn, so no matter how much we huff and we puff, Israel, Jewish State of Occupied Palestine, is ready for Hanibal DOctrine for US, the non-compliant world, Jew or Gentile who DO NOT support Israel's right to "exist."


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Great article Dan.

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great reporting thank you

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