I am disgusted by the racist support for genocide amongst Western nations from the political classes to the mass media. Their hypocrisy is causing alot of social division and will isolate these colonialist powers on the international stage thereby undermining the waning US Empire.

Keep up the good work Dan. Your voice is more important than ever.

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That "40 babies beheaded" story was one of the first to come out of this saga. It was debunked clearly and quickly. Nevertheless, it kept making the rounds with 'experts' repeating at every turn.

I wrote back to several about having, in my possession, a copy of front page "The Australian" daily paper, October 13, Murdoch product, where the article "ABC man: beheaded baby story 'is bulls-t' " appears. I also have the Oct. 25 edition, front page "ABC's 'babies denier' pulled out of Israel".

Note: ABC = Australian Broadcasting Corp.

I saw another story where a female reporter said she was told the story by an IDF soldier who later admitted it was fake...

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Keep up the great work Dan, I see by the comments you're being targeted but people are waking up to the truth thanks to people like you. The wannabe world owner freak show is so desperate now...interesting 12 months ahead?

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The untold story is the babies were raped before being beheaded. Those barbarians!!! Bombing is too civilized for them.

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untold? or completely made up to get you so angry you'd be cool with genocide? I'm guessing it's B

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It appears to me that both sides are engaged in terrorism.. Citizens of Israel and Gaza are scared to death. Who benefits?

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I’m a student who has recently come back from a solo trip to front line Ukraine. I’ve written about my, frankly surreal, experiences on my new substack below. Please do see what you think. https://irongoose.substack.com/p/how-i-accidentally-plundered-the

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So using a hospital basement for a headquarters for war is okay lol stop the rhetoric; as I said before Hamas started something they will not survive to finish. War crimes are a joke war is a crime in itself

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There is literally zero evidence of Hamas using a hospital basement as an HQ. Israel just says stuff. Doesn't make it true. They lie. A lot.

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Your defence of Israeli war crimes is despicable.

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Hamas started what they will eventually die for and the Palestinian people should be fighting Hamas as well!! I don’t care who is dying it’s WAR. Why is there NOT the same outcry for Ukraine?

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It's war CRIMES actually, and by the Israelis. The outcry over Ukraine isn't there because the Russians are actually fighting the war MINIMIZING civilian deaths.

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Ukraine started a so called anti terrorist operation in April 2014 and attacked its own citizens in the Donbass with warplanes, tanks and artillery. Kiev has continued the shelling of civilians in Donetsk and other cities since then killing thousands. The current war is an extension of the conflict started by the Kiev Junta back then. The people of the Donbass have every right to defend themselves from Ukrainian terrorism so spare me your crocodile tears about Ukraine.

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Ukraine has been wilfully murdering innocent people, including women and children since 2014.

Ukrainian troops are also caught on camera numerous times, torturing and murdering their captives, or shooting civilians for fun.

So bollocks to Ukraine.

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Hear hear.

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