This and many others truly confirms that the attack was intended to take hostages to exchange with detained prisoners in Israeli prisons. However, Netenyahu had other plans which continue till now, kill your own people and blame the savage barbarians. May God and history be witness.

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Does this mean that Israel knew the attack was coming. Any seasoned viewer knows that these false flags are common and the mainstream (globalist) media almost never reports truth.

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It would be logical to assume they were. I am struggling to understand the reasoning for the massive war drumbeat and mass hysteria created. Only reason is to justify this massacre that is being committed on the People of Gaza

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From what I have read and viewed from people I trust I believe the Israeli government knew exactly what was to occur. I am just another nobody who is interested. It is horrific how psychopaths will feel nothing about killing decent human beings. But this terror has been going on through all of recorded history. Because of social media we can learn much more.

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Today is 11 Oct 2024. Over 1 month ago it was proven by many investigators and voiced by dozens of Israeli citizens that Netanyahu and his band knew for sure about a week beforehand that Hezbollah was going to attack. So it is a proven false flag in the sense that they did not stop the concert from happening, and look at all the anguish they created among Israeli families especially the mothers and fathers and also to the Palestinians. A crime that cries out to heaven.

The warmongers in the USA, Israel, and elsewhere are sociopaths and/or just plain stupid. Do they think is all like a movie?

These warmongers should hear and feel what one mortar round sounds like and what it can do.

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It seems the case Israel did know the Oct 7 Hamas attack was going to happen: Netanyahu admitted to being alerted by Egypt, but said he didn't believe it. That is confirmation of a false flag because no one would take the chance that it could be the truth - no one, no matter the situation. How very brutal and sad: the little girl, Leil, was adorable, and just beginning her life. The rave shouldn't have been allowed to take place.

She and others were sacrificed to justify Israel's brutal retaliation on Gaza and the deaths of perhaps 20,000 innocent people, and forced evacuation of the entire N Gaza while under constant fire, a situation defined as genocide, or genocidal.

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Thanks for your excellent, heartbreaking, necessary reporting.

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What a story ! What is the thinking that Israel knew the attack was coming and let it happen?

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thank you for your commitment to uncover the truth amongst the human dust in the horrific bloody fogs of war

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Israel didn't murder them.

They saved the hostages from being "contaminated" by icky people Zionists don't like. 😃


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What a movie this is going to make.

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This isn’t a movie its reality.

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Israel portrayed their own victims as animals, terrorist, any bad labels to justify their own brutality, dehumanization and genocide of them when people outside Israel and Palestine only see one side that acted even lower than animals, acted like terrorist is :

Israel "soldiers" itself. 🤷

Even calling them soldiers is an insult to real soldiers out there. Who still have rationality and intelligence. When they are only cold blooded monster instead of "soldiers".

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No matter how meticulous the criminals hide their crimes. The truth shall prevail ✌️. Justice shall prevail. It's only matter of time.


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YES, this is why IDF is killing all the hostages


OCT7 was an inside operation, SHIN-BET on OCT7 arrested 100’s of Israeli ISIS members wearing ‘HAMAS” costumes; All was an inside job, the fence wasn’t cut until late in the day;

Most of the real killings were done by IDF who were trying to kill all survivors;

Every single hostage family is carrying signs that say “Netanyahu is the father of HAMAS” and his ‘settler right-wing thugs’ have been trying to kill hostage family’s camping at the Knesset for weeks

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2 things among many which stand out,one survivor approves her Army killing fellow citizens,that is sad and awful. The other is forcing the surrendered militant to strip completely naked,clearly designed to humiliate and of no military significance.

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It is not that she approves of it, it’s that she knows that there are some things worse than death, that will have you begging for death, and that the men who held them hostage were capable of such things and known for them. She understands that this wasn’t a movie where negotiations could be drawn out for an extended period of time while a hero sniper carefully took out the bad guys one by one. She understands that she was stuck on the frontline of a war.

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Israel portrayed their own victims as animals, terrorist, any bad labels to justify their own brutality, dehumanization and genocide of them when people outside Israel and Palestine only see one side that acted even lower than animals, acted like terrorist is :

Israel "soldiers" itself. 🤷

Even calling them soldiers is an insult to real soldiers out there. Who still have rationality and intelligence. When they are only cold blooded monster instead of "soldiers".

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I have seen the Hamas footage myself, and more than that paid attention to Hamas and the region long before last October so your propaganda doesn’t work on me and I have seen the so called moral code of the UN, the moral opinion of “the rest of the world” doesn’t matter to me one bit.

The IDF isn’t “mine” I have no affiliation with the IDF and have numerous issues with the way they are waging this war although the way I would see it waged would not make you any happier.

Hamas miscalculated and the Palestinian people are going to continue to pay dearly for that miscalculation.

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No matter how meticulous the criminals hide their crimes. The truth shall prevail ✌️. Justice shall prevail. It's only matter of time.


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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

There is nothing heroic of mass murdering palestinian people including your own people..🙄 It's been happening since 1937. Even way before Israel illegally established in Palestine Land... You just missed the BIGGER point...And nitpicking a tiny event and forgetting/hope other people to forget about the rest of the story...it didnt started in Oct,7 2023..it started at least 87 years ago when Zionist take the land BY FORCE/WAR CRIMES... What do you expect when you take something that never belong to you, especially by force/hostility?

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I'm up for a good laugh. Let's see your proof of "87 years ago when Zionist take the land BY FORCE/WAR CRIMES."

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Israel portrayed their own victims as animals, terrorist, any bad labels to justify their own brutality, dehumanization and genocide of them when people outside Israel and Palestine only see one side that acted even lower than animals, acted like terrorist is :

Israel "soldiers" itself. 🤷

Even calling them soldiers is an insult to real soldiers out there. Who still have rationality and intelligence. When they are only cold blooded monster instead of "soldiers".

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No matter how meticulous the criminals hide their crimes. The truth shall prevail ✌️. Justice shall prevail. It's only matter of time.


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you can laugh all you want, we don't care anymore what you gonna do. thats all the bullies and arrogant people always do. whitewashing and belittling their crimes. the more arrogant and ignorant you are, the more irrelevant you're all to us. your "laugh" is not gonna make lies/fake narrative become truth.

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So you have zero proof. What a surprise!

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Why we should care of someone as not intelligent as you. Only low IQs and not intelligent will be so easy to be brainwashed by Hasbara and Zionist fake narrative nowadays 🤷. Do you think playing with words to Gaslighting the victims, is gonna work in

today's era (like Zionist used to do in the past)? Not anymore....

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Your opinion is irrelevant delulus. We are here not to convince gullible and ignorant people like you either:).

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I never said anything or anyone was heroic. Whatever history was and whatever led to that moment doesn’t change the situation of the moment she was in. When you are being held hostage by people who will rape you to death and then parade your dead body through the streets to cheering people the prospect of being killed by anyone who is trying to stop those people is less terrifying than remaining with the people who have you hostage. I can understand some of what Hamas does and I can certainly understand Palestinian anger but none of that mattered in that moment.

I also think that however justified it might be that anger is ultimately going to destroy the Palestinian people. That anger is why they cause problems in the neighboring countries which is why Egypt and Jordan and Lebanon won’t take them. Righteous or not it’s going to destroy them.

My ancestors faced similar situations wherein they unjustly lost their homes and property to people they considered usurpers. Eventually they decided that maybe it was better to continue the family line elsewhere than extinguish their bloodline trying to defend a homeland that was beyond recovery. And in the words of Mohammed Ali “Thank God my grandaddy got on that boat.”

There is no chance of the entirety of Israel “returning” to Palestinian control, right or wrong that’s the reality of the situation. Palestinians can either accept that and like the Irish flourish in the places they move to or like so many Native American tribes they can hold onto their righteous anger and remain controlled by a conquering power and continue to self destruct as a people. The choice is theirs.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

Please don't put your own diapers soldiers mentality on Hamas or any resistance in Palestine. They are not animals like IDF. They are way more intelligent and calculated than your brainwashed monster psychopaths IDF..


They don't justifying

Filthy acts like your soldiers did and even brag about it.

Stop fantasizing and detached from reality. Consumed more information, instead of only distorted version of information. You only gonna making yourself a joke to the rest of the world if you don't use your own intelligent rn. People will think you are so gullible and easy to be fooled/manipulated by fake news.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15

There is No rape ..you consumed too many Hasbara and Israel Propaganda🤦. The one who loves to rape even sodomize their hostages is IDF. Wake up delusional people.🤷. Israel Hasbara and false narrative is IRRELEVANT today. It's already being debunked so many times.

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*Get out of war crimes free card

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