so typical of the US - I'm not sure it is the US but its the same type of mentality in Ukraine and Israel - its under the influence of the US. Like Brian Berlectic says. The US destroys.

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"a UN-sanctioned mercenary force of about 430 mostly Kenyan cops paid for primarily by Washington." Wow between this in Haiti, a country the USA wants to control for their resources which are plentiful and more oil and gas reserves the Venezuela; the genocide in Gaza and god knows whatever else the USA has its blood soaked hands in; fugly shit happening and the USA and the collective west tries to keep its hegemonic hold on the world by continuing to insert itself in countries, particularly poorer ones, whose spirit never figures for them, but only greed and taking. Why in F can't they ever understand you don't not get peace with violence which only begets more violence. Why don't they offer honey any more? Because peoples of other cultures and races realized the honey is poison. However there is lots of money in war and wars don't care about people; war cares about arms selling and control of other peoples resources. What does the colonialist west want from them? uh uh, found this:

"Some of the specific natural resources found in Haiti includes: 1) Oil and Natural Gas: Recent findings suggest that Haiti might have some of the largest oil reserves in the world, potentially larger than those of Venezuela." Haitians should own that and not have installed USA/collective west puppets for corporate/private control. The fight, as I see it, that continues with the west and "others" is to NOT allow them control over their own resources/riches that they could use to bring their country to another level. Democracy my ass and if indeed it is than it's a democracy that wants that keep the people poor. (USA too on us as some are waking up to), Double quenelles to the USA and all of Europe. Here's some sources that explain quenelles, especially the last one but it is 4 and half hours long and so worth the sitting. Both are about an author that wrote a book in French language that no one seems to be able to translate called Le Printemps des Sayanim (‘The Sayanim Spring’). Read the short review of said book and you will know why it hasn't been translated. Watch the lengthy interview and you will know even more.



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Decades and Decades of the DC Corporate TotalitarianFascist, WEALTH $$upremacy’s MassMurder-MassDestruction Global “democracy” CRUSADES

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Our whole world is under attack, everywhere, just like the globalist planned and next will come a banking collapse that will rob billions who have securities and unpaid debt on land and homes. I am armed with knowledge, but now I have an urge to own a gun. but a gun won't help me when they control my credit card and how and what for it can be used. God bless Haiti. I listened to Dan's other posts or interviews when he said this was coming and commented the USA was bringing people they thought the Haitians could id with because of skin color? US is destroying the world and it will be no better under Trump. You can tell by his picks for major positions in his cabinet, it will be no different. I hope he shocks the hell out of his constituents who believed him in his last occupation of the Oval Office. but gullible is gullible. He'll have to put those poor people before a firing squad before they get a clue. I don't blame them for their self interest but I wish they would consider how their vote affects other countries around the world. Trump will just continue the great reset that the Biden/Harris admin did raising the debt so high until the banks collapse again and then the great taking will occur to pave the way for the reset. All this war ain't in the favor of humanity or any life on earth. Will we ever get over our worst selves. I'm poor on purpose. Sure I am gullible to wealth and power as others. My resistance was to not have it, but work against its misuse. What can we do for the Haitians now. BBQ was working to join these desperate groups together in his country. They should have listened to him. Perhaps they are listening now.

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Donald Trump’s Catastrophic and Devastating Anti-Labor Track Record

AFL-CIO September 27, 2023


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Have they condemn the genocide?

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Never will, apparently

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god what a cowardly despicable bunch of scum bags from top of us gov & UN to bottom "cops" all evil parasites karmas slow but shes coming to all idf style cock suckers

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Typical US modus operandi almost is every country they want to loot. Give weapons to the one you can controll, or send even foreign sellout monster to terrorize the people, the rest is history. So, who is the real TERRORIST then?

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This was sketchy has fuck , on both sides . . .

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Leaves me with a whole bunch of questions.

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This is what USA and NATO bring to countries, not peace,respect,hope

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Re there IDF advisors on the ground in Haiti?

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Wait, wait , wait, didn't the US call for an African military force in Haiti??? Now they are calling for something else? Will read full article for explanation.

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Hence the import of Corporate TotalitarianFascist DCs Kenyan Mercenaries

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You are so right. Look what else the corrupt corporations and the US does. They are trying to kill us in so many ways. I highly recommend the documentary in the article.

U.S. Government Paid PR Firm to Track and Vilify Critics of GMOs and Pesticides


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It's already sorta been pointed out ,

But , gee , who paid for the $100k armored car ?

Supposedly Haitians can't manage their own affairs , but they can afford pricey armored cars. 🙄

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F.I.R.E. -> Finance, Insurance and Real Estate


press on the bars of the bar graph for $ Totals


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Extra-Judicial Murder is a ZioNaziTERRORIST DC Specialty

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Something don’t add up in these videos.


how come that only the drone of Izo (a gang leader) is able to capture this kind of things when we all know that the National Police can’t even reach this part of the Capital ?

and most importantly, we all know that those gangs have their own “Police vehicles”. sometimes when they kill police officers, the take the vehicles. we know that.

and why some police officers would go to this area with only one vehicle ?


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