lie like they breathe

rendering everything they say questionable AT BEST

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Naphtali Bennett is a morbid fantasist who projects his own sick mind onto others. He is a criminal liar, a mass murderer, scum of the earth.

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It is incredibly malicious the efforts they go to fabricate lies on top of lies on top of lies. It is definitely pathological. I don’t think they can stop themselves. It is like they are cursed with a disease

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Just for common sense argument. If you want to identify them IN GAZA, I am assuming they ran away and were able to mingle within the Gaza population ( You know like an under cover agent as we see in the movies). So people before they talk to them (of course they speak fluent Arabic with a Palestinian accent), they will run to uncover their legs to check for the mark. I am sorry I wasted your time reading through the end of this crazy lie!

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JFC. Didn’t debunk shit. You essentially said, “Let’s go corner the recently released children held captive who may- generally- appear physically fine, and force them to hike up their britches to prove my point once and for all- it will validate every other claim I’ve made!”

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1

Brainwashed people like you would not believe anything until your experience it yourself. Your brain already fixed even before reading the story. You never search for the truth, only search for something that justify your already fixed brain.

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Naphtali Bennett is a morbid fantasist who projects his own sick mind onto others. He is a criminal liar, a mass murderer, scum of the earth.

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With a uncle like that who needs enemies?

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Not surprised-but to be fair Hamas engages in constant lies too, the only difference and this is a major one - Israel likes to cloak itself with the mantle we are the beacon of democracy seeking to destroy the evil Hamas group, when in fact Israel on many levels is as evil as Hamas, a harsh reality the world is starting to realize, given the pro-Palestinian protests throughout the world.

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