Thank you Dan for all of your reporting on Haiti. I also appreciate your segments on Redacted.

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Thanks Azra. Appreciate the support.

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I am very skeptical of the Bwakale. The US backed Henry supporters are after Cherizier’. The Haitian people support Cherizier and G9. This fight has been going on for some time; the people trying to clean up the gangs that are doing the kidnapping and crime. That is not Cherizier and G9. The US has been actively trying to capture/kill Cherizier for sometime now. Could Bwakale be a color revolution set in motion to quell the Haitian People, kill off their leaders (Cherizier, G9) and take control by force to accommodate US agenda. Haiti is a source for trafficked children.

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Hi Dan -

I just discovered you on Clayton Morris's Redacted doing one of the most honestt assessments of the Haiti situation I think I have ever seen. Thanks for that.

Keep up the great work.

Ivan M. Paton

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History tells us that violent self protection units which lack any central philosophy eventually evolve into exactly the problem which they set out to get rid of. The Sicilian mafia is a classic example, it was set up by concerned citizens to protect Sicilians from rapacious landlords & their vicious bully boys. More recently some of those those elements of the IRA in Belfast who chose not to buy into the Good Friday agreement & Sinn Fein have become criminal gangs standing over & pushing drugs to the people who they once claimed to be liberating.

This is risky stuff and there can be little doubt that as this movement progresses developing leaders and internal factions, at least some will take amerikan dollars & declare war on Cherizier & G9

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Thank you Dan for all of your reporting on Haiti. I also appreciate your segments on Redacted.

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