Dan Cohen discusses U.S. plans for Gaza concentration camps with Kim Iversen
Uncaptured Media's Dan Cohen appears on The Kim Iversen Show to discuss his report on the Biden administration's approval of a biometric concentration camp pilot program in northern Gaza.
Read the investigation here:
Hey Dan,
I have seen you on Redacted and I think you are probably right about the training ground in this horrible warzone scenario and that the camps and zones coming on time to all of us…
Please watch and please check this if it’s true?
Foerster, Heinz von, ed. Conference on Cybernetics (8th: 1951: New York, N.Y.) Cybernetics: Circular Causal and Feedback Mechanisms in Biological and Social Systems: Transactions of the Eighth Conference March 15-16, 1951. New York, N.Y. New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1952.
• This is but one of a series.
McCulloch, Warren Sturgis. Collected works of Warren S. McCulloch. Edited by Rook McCul- loch; with a preface by Heinz von Foerster; and contributions by M.A. Arbib... [et al.]. Salinas, Calif., U.S.A.: Intersystems Publications, 1989.
• Master of thinking out of the box.
Meadows, Dennis L., Donella Meadows, and others. The Limits to Growth. A Report for the Club of Rome's “Project on the Predicament of Mankind”. New York: Universe Books, 1972.
• Brought SD into the headlines, tried to save the world.
Nicolis, Gregoire, and Ilya Prigogine. Exploring Complexity: an Introduction. New York: W.H. Freeman, 1989.
• Direct from the masters of self-organization.
Club of Rome's "Predicament Of Mankind" project at MIT (1970 - 1972)
Club of Rome is an organization of intellectuals and business leaders whose goal is a critical discussion of pressing global issues. The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy. It consists of one hundred full members selected from current and former heads of state and government, UN administrators, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. It stimulated considerable public attention in 1972 with its report titled: The Limits to Growth.
Dennis Meadows was director of the Club of Rome's "Predicament Of Mankind" project at MIT, which constructed the world model The Limits to Growth publication was based on.
Dennis Meadows Interview (2017) co-author of Club of Rome's Limits To Growth
• Dennis Meadows: Earth ..
Fema in north Carolina have camps being set up and moving to emergency centers they used in war time moments in locations across US
U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across America
2009 https://youtu.be/BCpSQH6zhh0?feature=shared
2011 Stacy Lynne educates „We Are Change Colorado“ about the International Council on LOCAL Environmental Initiatives(ICLEI). An arm of the United Nations Agenda 21 and how they are using "GREENWASHING" to take over America.
Wat happens to her after she goes viral with the information about agenda21?
Common Core Expose by Stacy Lynne
Have you ever see a burning tree from inside out?
No lie in the world, even if it is told so nobly, has the right to be declared the only truth with a targeted PR campaign and by a million repetitions! And certainly not if it produces intentional collateral damage to these extents and abuses innocent children for political purposes!
Respect Me&You & PlanetBlue 🕊
Great work as usual, Mr. Cohen -- thank you. Such a sick society, and so sick of us to support it.